Sunday, December 29, 2013

My Convocation

"xsangka akhirnye convo jugak..alhamdulillah~
thnx kpda semua yg telah bnyk membantu & memberi sokongan
family, lecturer2, guru2, rakan taulan & Mr. Google
tahniah jugak kpda rakan2 yg akan turut bersama convo nanti
may from this point, the light shine brightr for all of us
& smoga Allah terus memberkati & meredhai perjalanan hidup ini..

wish you are here, to see me today. May Allah bless ur soul, ayah :')

2 Oct 2013"

(Fahrul Radzi,, 2013)

so, ni gmbr sekitar convocation UM 2013

with me & my dearest friends~

Teslians, Future Leaders
Lagi special sebab graduates with my other 2 cousins
Part of The Piuts
With Nisa (left) & Eiqa (right)

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Hepi Besdey Ayah

Kalau xsebab busy dgn keje smlm, mesti sayup je hati nih
hepi besdey ayah
Smoga kau tenang disana & sentiasa diberkati serta dirahmati...

miss u, dad~

Sunday, December 22, 2013


What's up guyz?
Lame xdngar citer korg
Masih ade lgi yg active blogging (syabas! keep it up!)
How about me?
maaflah lame xupdate (macam la ade yg kesah)
idea ade bnyk tpi tngn nih malas nak menaip

So, back to the topic
ape kne nye tuh?
juz a topic tht i would love to pick and talk about...
maklumlah skrg nih mcm2 teknologi & softwares yg wujud~
dlm zaman yg serba canggih nih, isu privacy nih amatlah pentng
org boleh dpt maklumat kite & gune maklumat tu utk blackmail, fraud, hack & mcm2 lagilah
semakin canggih teknologi kite niih, semakin berbahayalah ia kpda kehidupan kite
don't get me wrong~ i'm not trying to be negative here
juz a reminder to myself and all of the people out there to start taking this thing more serously

Selain dari tu,
aku jugak nak kongsi beberapa pelajaran yg aku dpt sejak kebelakangn nih.
*still talking on privacy here*
have you ever think or say something  like this
"you have always been my best friend. So, I have the right to know about blah blah blah..."
"mase ko susah dulu, aku yg tolng ko. Jadi aku berhak utk tahu pasal blah blah blah..."
ape pendapat korg psal ayt2 atas nih? give me your piece of mind, peeps.

For me?
pada pendapat aku, ayat di atas amatlah salah sama sekali.

No matter how close you are to the other person, or how many times you hve hlpd that person, or how big is your help,  at the end of the day, you still have no right to invade his/her privacy

Then, kalau bukan kerana betapa akrabnye kite, brpe bnyk ptolongn yg kite dh hulur mahupn betapa besar jasa kite kt org tu, ape yg menentukan hak kite to be a part of that person private life?
Jawapannya, terletak pda org tuh sendiri.
Hak itu terletak pada diri org tu & bukanye org lain.
die sendiri yg berhak utk menentukan ap yg akn diberitahu & ape yg tidak
don't get insulted and don't be simple minded.
relax saje..

Need to get going guyz..sok keje.
Eh? dah keje? Graduation? Holiday? ape jadi? hahahaha~
will be updating about that later
Tak nak janji pape lagi dah.. =P fb pn jarang bukak lately.
TTYL keyh ;)
assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Last updated 7 Novembr??
WTH..hahahaha...dulu gebang sgt kate nak slalu update..
last2, habuk pn xdak =P

so, wht did I missed since the last post??
John's Birthday, Sapwan's Birthday?
Abg. Padil's Birthday which is the same with mine....
eh!! a'ah!! My birthday!!
~~ dah tua dah (-_-)"

any who...
birthday arwah ayah aku gk --> Hj. Mohamad Daud B. Chek
al-fatihah....moga rohnya ditempatkn bersama org2 yg beriman..aminn

next, my sis, Natrah, lahirkan seorng baby gurl
Salmah.. nah..juz kidding
Nur Marissa Firza bt. Mohd Faizzat...

and ,my big brother, Ridzuan, bakal dapat anak... alhamdulillahh....
makin meriah la family aku.. =D

I'd also finished my PRACTICUM at SMK La Salle!
awesome boy's school!! love the experience..more on that later~~

apart from that,
Selamat Menyambut Hari Natal to my christian frenz..
& Happy New Year utk semua..

So, macam kebnyakan org laen, aku pn ade azam tahun baru..
ape azam2nye? 
rahsie~~ =P
yg penting ade matlamat & tujuan, & berdoa agar jalan dipermudahkn oleh-Nya ;)

Ape yg aku slalu buat tiap2 kali tahun baru adalah muhasabah diri...
fikirkan perkara2 negative & positive yg telah ak develop
seperti biasa, buang yg keruh, ambil yg jernih
and also, achievement & failure
"What is the list", U asked?
again, rahsie~~ =P
let me keep those for myself keyh ;)

opening 2013?
having a lot in my mind..haha
but will be focusing more on my study..
final sem beb!! at last!! alhamdulillah~

and also might start up a novel-blogging
the system, storyline, writing-style still yet to be think of
stay tuned~~

So, itu je bwat mse ni dlu
aku janji cuba utk update blog nih slalu
for the meantime, that's all folks (macam cartoon warner bro's plak)
Assalamualaikum & Selamat Sejahtera ;)


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