Like any other kind of love, friendship can be lost within our lives due to neglect or anger or, sometimes, simply circumstances. However it is lost, we often lose a part of ourselves that can never quite be recovered.
hm... lame gk xupdate blog nih.. means that dah lame xmenulis.. sblom nih asyk copy paste jek en.. hoho.. so, ade kaitn gk r ngn tajuk post kali ni en.. but that is not da main point..
hm... kadang2 kite lupe.. lupe ngn ape yg telah kite ade lupe ngn ape yg telah dianugerhkn
kite cume sedar bile kite dh kehilangany.. bile kite dh dilupekn.. bile kite makin jauh.. dan bile dh camtu mule r kite nk slhkn org len slhkn persekitrn slhkn mende bodoh n ade jgak yg salahkn Tuhan.. yup! ade yg berlaku
so, post kali nih, mayb signifikan ngn post blog yg laen.. or fb, ms, fs, tagged or wateva out there bukn nk lecture or bgi cermh juz skdr peregtn tuk diri sendri gak....
bile mende camni dah berlaku y not kite pndng kslhn diri sendri.. ape yg kite dah bwat?? ape salah kite? ape septtny yg kite bwat? stop blaming others...
lately, this sort of thing also happen to me.. ya..mcm sesetgh org len.. aku slhkn keadaan, org len.. but then.. i sit down quietly.. think... ape slh aku plak.. ape yg sptutny aku bwat.. then, i take action.. ya! it is more useful then juz blaming n shooting others.. plus, it also helps us to think wisely n maturely
so, wat i've done nk share ngn korg yg maybe bce blog aku nih.. lets shift our paradigme! huhu.. poyo seyh..
ade org tnye aku.. npe aku xtulis blog dlm english? aku en dak TESL.. hak3.. aku rindu BM.. juz that